I was
recently made aware of an article from MIT – Sloan Management Review, from my colleague Aina Bjørknes. The
article is more than 20 years old, written in the winter of 1994, but the main
topic remain valid. The article is titled “TQM’s challenge to management theory
and practice” and is written by Robert M. Grant, Rami Shani and R. Krishnan. You can
find and read the article HERE.
talks about TQM anymore. It stands for Total Quality Management and was a big
buzz in the 80s and 90s.

But, that
was not the topic today – it was about this article regarding TQM’s challenges.
Why did it end up as a buzzword and not widespread popularity? The reasons why is still something
all quality professionals struggle with today, I think. We struggle to get our
top management to commit to quality, to our management system and to really
understand what we are talking about. There are several exceptions from this
statement. The companies who are awarded with Baldridge or EFQM, who really
uses Lean Six Sigma and/or has an ISO 9000-certification because they believe in
it (not just because their customers demand it to award a contract). They have
created a culture (and structure) for quality in their organization. Successful
companies like Wells Fargo, Boeing, Dupont and Toyota are all famous for their
culture to enable both their people to perform and a sustained success for the
The article says, and I agree, that the reason
why Quality Management is still struggling to catch on in a corporate setting, is due to a conflict between QM and
more traditional management approaches to change management and to the strategical
objectives on a corporate level. Many leaders on top level of larger
corporations come from business schools and universities, having MBAs etc. Many
quality leaders have worked their way up and have attended courses and found
networks to share experience using more practical sources. The former have
learned about business and economics from an academical perspective which quality leadership lacks. The bottom up way of working is very much a revolutionary way, and those on the top are afraid of the control and power they will (they think) lose from such revolutions.
The table
(a snip from the article) shows the paradigms between them. Just look at the
first line – organizational goals – while the quality leader (following a
TQMish approach) wishes to focus on customers/ stakeholders, the more
traditional line used in many companies is to maximize profit to give out to
the shareholders. The ultimate goal might be the same, but the approaches are
very different, as we can read from the table.
approaches recognize that any company’s primary objective is to make money, but
they have very different ways of making the strategies on how to reach that
What is more important? Serving your customers/stakeholders to ensure that they are satisfied (and comes back for more) or to use maximizing profitability to guide your decisions? As the article says: “The risk of using shareholder value maximization to guide decisions is that the firm loses touch with it’s raison d’être – serving the customer”, and asks: “What value is a 25% increase in the quarterly dividend to a company that is out of business five years from now?” Unfortunately, the theories underlying the quality management approach and the more standard economic model is inherently incompatible.
What is more important? Serving your customers/stakeholders to ensure that they are satisfied (and comes back for more) or to use maximizing profitability to guide your decisions? As the article says: “The risk of using shareholder value maximization to guide decisions is that the firm loses touch with it’s raison d’être – serving the customer”, and asks: “What value is a 25% increase in the quarterly dividend to a company that is out of business five years from now?” Unfortunately, the theories underlying the quality management approach and the more standard economic model is inherently incompatible.
Needless to
say, I’m all for the quality approach. The long term perspective, the focus on
our customers/stakeholders, the trust in your people, the open information
flow, the decisions based on facts, continual improvement etc, all this adds to
my strong belief in this. Quality really works. It has been proven again and
again. It is smart for business; it saves costs and improves the working life
of everyone involved. But we, as quality people, have a sales-job to do to
connect the dots between high quality deliveries and the implementation of
quality management. Remember what Dr. Juran said about communication and
quality: “Top management speaks in the language of money, workers speak in the
language of things, and middle management must be able to speak both languages
and translate between money and things. Thus, to get top management's
attention, quality issues must be cast in the language of money.”